After Sales Service

Electrowaves Electronics aims at customer’s satisfaction with the products and services. Our company is known for its excellent after-sales service. We have a well-trained team of Service Engineers who work day and night to provide all levels of inspection, maintenance, and service in an efficient way. For quick and reliable service, we have over 55 Service Engineers spread across 16 zones throughout India to attend all issues within 24 hours of the request raised. Electrowaves Electronics has service stations in Jammu, Kapurthala, Lucknow, Allahabad, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Jabalpur, Patna, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Guwahati and in 20 other cities distributed across the country.

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Major Service Stations


3rd  Floor, FL-5, Heaven Garden,
142 Criper Road, PO-Konnagar,
District Hooghly, West Bengal (712235)


#301, 3rd  Floor,Chambur Niwas,
326 A/W Chambur Khar (West), Danda,
Mumbai, Maharashtra (400052)


#24/12, 2nd Floor,
Vardhiyar Kandapillai Street,
Choolai High Road, Choolai,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu (600112)


C-66 Back Side, Gautam Nagar,
New Delhi (110049)

For further Support, Contact Raman Kumar : 9216577400