25KVA-Three Phase Natural Cooled Under Slung Inverter For Roof Mounted AC Package Unit
2.5 KVA, 110V DC/230V AC Natural Cooled Underslung Inverter for Coaches
Constant Voltage & Constant Current Pre Cooling Unit and Battery Charger For SGAC Coaches
4.5 kW Underslung Constant Voltage, Regulated CUM Emergency Battery Charger For LHB Coaches
Emergency Battery Charger
24V Starter Battery Charger for DA Set
60 KVA, 750V/ 415V, 3- Phase Dry Type Distribution Transformer for LHB Type AC EOG Coaches/ Power Car
Cable Harness For All Type Coaches
Power Panel for 110V DC Self Generating Air Conditioned Coaches
Visit Us
- Unit 1 :- Plot No. 37, Sector-5, Parwanoo, Distt. Solan (H.P.)
- Unit 2 :- Plot No. 6A & 6B, Sector-2, Parwanoo, Distt. Solan (H.P.)
Research and Development:
Plot 486, Industrial Area, Phase 1, Panchkula, Haryana